Thursday, May 4, 2017

Google Mobile Sites Certification Exam Questions Answers

1- In the layout step, the browser:

computers the size and position of render tree elements
displays the on-screen elements in their new positions
first resizes elements before computing their position
forces the DOM to be rebuilt

2-  For each font on your website you should:

minimize the number of used variants
add CSS
minimize the HTML
male sure to add as many as possible

3- Which of these are NOT part of AMP:

Inline CSS
Custom fonts

4- Which allows for efficient font reuse between pages?

Revalidation token
The local() directive
WOFF2 fonts
The font matching algorithm

5- Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to:

test new website designs, layouts and content with a subset of your visitors
serve experiments to specific groups of users that you’ve defined as Audiences in Google Analytics
do heatmap analysis to better understand to user behavior on your site
use your existing goals and metrics in Google Analytics as experiment objectives

6- At a minimum, what page weight should you be aiming for?

More than 3MB
Less than 1MB

7- What is it that the App shell helps with

Making transitions between pages faster
Improves elements of the UX
Making the full page load faster
Creating a fully optimized site

8- How many times per second do most devices refresh their screens?


9- What’s the fastest and best-optimized resource?

An image
Web fonts
The one not sent

10- Research shows that mobile users expect to:

tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them to new products
tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them back to the homepage
see the logo below the fold on mobile sites
tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them to a “Contact Us” page

11- How can you make the job a lot simpler for the browser?

Add more parents
Change the selector to a class
Create more complex CSS
Follow the style guide

12- Some users are not comfortable converting on their mobile device. What could be an action you can take to improve their experience?

Offering secondary call-to-action buttons, like social sharing
Asking the user to register to save their details
Making your primary call-to-action buttons more prominent
Showing the desktop version of the site on mobile devices

13- A Progressive Web App:

works even with unreliable network through service worker
needs high bandwidth environments
slows experience and therefore decreases advertisers conversion rate
is the same as Accelerated Mobile Page

14- Image __________ can be sacrificed to reduce the file size, and chances are the user will still like the resulting image.

color range
rendering speed

15- Which of the following reports in Google Analytics helps you to identify leakages from the conversion funnel?

Device Usage Report
Checkout Behavior Analysis Report
Product Performance Report
Top Landing Pages Report

16- What makes a notification good?

it is relevant
It delivers in the background
It has a default action
It can be dismissed

17- What does “Variant A” in A/B Testing usually represent?

Original version of the web page
Test version of the web page that is modified from the original

18- Which most accurately describes the purpose of compression?

Making the code faster
Combining files
Minimizing file size
Fitting more into the cache

19- True or False: To instruct the browser to use the default device width, you would us <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device=width”>


20- What is a tool that you can use to emulate and simulate a site that’s experiencing poor or unreliable connectivity?

21- Which of the following is NOT a best practice to optimize forms on mobile?

Exposing options instead of using a drop-down menu
Using a real-time validation for errors in forms
Offering users a numerical keyboard for telephone number field
Showing labels inside form fields for convenience

22- True or False: You can experiment with google Analytics features by using the Google Merchandise Store demo account.


23- True or false: Using a mix of desktop and mobile-optimized pages on mobile sites improves the user experience since some users are more familiar with the desktop version of the site.


24- Image information such as location and camera description can often be deleted to reduce image sizes. This type of information is called:


25- Which changes to “geometric properties” affect the layout?

All of the above

26- To optimize for speed, you shouldn’t use too many webfonts and you should minimize the number of _____________


27- Which is an example of a situation when an unnecessary resource negatively impacts the user experience?

a photo carousel on the homepage that allows the visitor to preview multiple photos with a quick click
lazy loading
optimized images
one web font

28- What performance metrics are affected by slow pagespeed?

Conversion rate
Clickthrough rate
Viewthrough rate

29- Which of these features is part of a Progressive Web App?

Call API
Add to home screen
Location API

30- Keeping CSS independent of HTML allows us to treat_______and _______as separate concerns.

user experience; speed
analytics; optimization
content; design
images; articles

31- Before the browser can render the page, it needs to construct the:

Pixel pipeline
DOM and CSSOM trees
HTML and Javascript
UX trees

32- AMP _________ the page ____________ waiting for resources to download:

lays out; without
caches; before
indexes; while
displays; after

33- Which of the following is NOT a best practice for a financial company to keep users from dropping out of the funnel?

Letting users convert as a guest
Using click-to-call buttons for complicated forms or complex tasks
Remembering and prefilling preferences of registered users in forms
Asking for registration to use the site

34- How do you prioritize optimization of the mobile site for browser versions or screen resolutions:

Look for the oldest version of your site
Look for the highest number of sessions and lowest conversion rates (or highest bounce rate)
Prioritize the site with the highest conversion rates
Optimize all at the same time

35- The render tree contains:

visible content
content of the page
the DOM
the styles of the page

36- Which of the following is NOT true about site search experience on mobile sites?

Smart search features like auto-complete and corrected misspelling are especially important to have on small screens?
Comprehensive search results are better than concise results
Users rely on filters to narrow down search results
Positioning site search at the top of a mobile page with an open-text search box is a best practice

37- When referring to the critical rendering path in site performance, a critical resource is:

any resource that must be loaded
a resource that takes more than 500ms to load
a resource that could block initial display of the page
any resource that returns 404

38- True or false: Constructing the DOM requires style information.


39- Which of the following describes the Payment API correctly?

It bypasses the checkout form
It requires a phone number with a fingerprint reader
It replaces your payment processor
It is designed for external card readers

40- Which is the best way to discover and prioritize landing pages for UX improvement potential?

Checking Landing Pages Report focusing on Bounce Rate metric
Checking Exit Pages Report focusing on Page Views metric
Checking All Pages Report focusing on Unique Page Views metric
Checking All Pages Report on Average Time on Page metric

41- True or false: JavaScript can block DOM construction unless explicitly declared as async


42- Before introducing mobile site design best practices to your clients, you should examine their.

page speed scores
staffing and budget
design process
existing mobile sites

43- According to a Google poll, what is the top frustration when users browse the web on their mobile device?

Watching a video
Waiting for slow pages to load
Being shown interstitials
Not knowing where to click

44- Which of the following statements is true about the mobile experience of users?

Users are willing to accept longer load times for high-resolution images
It’s important to show as much information as possible on the visible part of a mobile site
It’s important to show a prominent “Full site” label on a mobile site
it’s important to use call-to-action buttons to keep users in the same browser window

45- Why did Facebook create “2G Tuesdays”?

To run random experiment
Most users are on 2G
Facebook didn’t create “2G Tuesdays”
To understand how people on 2G use their product

46- Which describes how a Service Worker operates?

It doesn’t handle network requests coming from the navigation on the website
It runs a programmable network proxy
None of these answer options describe a Service Worker
It can be used only when the user is browsing the website

47- Which of these should be minimized to deliver the fastest possible time to firstrender?

The number of critical HTML classes
the number of CSS classes
The number of critical JavaScript functions
The number of critical resources

48- Which of the following describes an App shell?

It comprises of all page elements which are dependant of the specific page contents
It discourages caching of content that overlaps across pages of the website
It provides a fast first impression gracefully transitioning to a fully loaded page

49- What is a valid event for a Service Worker to emit it’s registered?


50- Which format is preferred for the multi-device and high-resolution icons?

Vector (SVG)
Data URL’s

51- Which is NOT true about Responsive Sites?

Responsive Sites are cost-effective
Responsive Sites are easier to mainatin
Responsive Sites usually have faster load times vs Separate ( Sites
Responsive Sites have one codebase, deployment and URL

52- In which of the following situations can a high bounce rate be interpreted as a good metric?

Campaign landing page brings the user to the product detail page
Campaign landing page brings user to the first step of a 3-step lead generation form
Campaign landing page brings the user to a page where the company promotes their phone number to receive calls

53- When using Chrome devtools, what should you limit the connectivity to?

Regular 2G
No Throttling
Regular 3G
Regular 4G

54- Which is true about calls-to-action usage on mobile homepages?

Keep call to action on the second page
Same calls-to-action should be used both on mobile and desktop sites
Calls-to-action should be prominent on the visible area of the mobile homepage
Use only menus

55- Why can lie-fie result in a poor experience?

It uses more data
Enabling WIFI reduces battery life
Some assets might not be loaded
It is less secure than WIFI

56- True or false: Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to a 27% increase in CvR


57- At a minimum, what Speed index score should you be aiming for?

Greater than 95%
Less than 5000
Greater than 5000
Within 10% of similar sites

58- If you’re in an animation like scrolling, you should ideally be looking to keep your JavaScript to something in the region of __________. Any longer than that and you risk taking up too much time.

3-4 ms
9-10 ms
5-6 ms
7-8 ms

59- True or false: Images should never change when rotating a device screen or between different devices sizes


60- Resources with responses that are ______ for all users are great candidates to be cached by a CDN.


61- What is a benefit of mobile site over an app for businesses?

Mobile sites require approvals before one can gain access
Mobile sites only work on Android
Shorter development timelines. Mobile sites allow for easy updating (for example, users don’t need to accept or install your updates)
You have to build a separate site for tablets and phones

62- Mobile sites:

require approvals to access
need to be downloaded or installed to a device
are accessed through the desktop device’s web browser
have specific functionality for mobile devices

63- Why do CSS @imports harm performance?

They can introduce unwanted dependences
@import loads files less efficiently than <link>
They create a less efficient CSSOM
They require additional CPU time to parse

64- How does AMP work?

Keeps all third-party JavaScript out of the critical path
Doesn’t let extension mechanisms block rendering
Allows only asynchronous scripts
All of the above

65- Why are push notifications important for advertisers?

The information they deliver can be acted on immediately
They give users the opportunity to re-engage with content they are interested in
They deliver timely updates to users
All of the answer options are correct

66- The first step to optimize the critical rendering path is:

optimize the order in which the remaining critical resources are loaded: download all critical assets as early as possible to shorten the critical path length
optimize the number of critical bytes to reduce the download time (number of roundtrips)
minimize number of critical resources: eliminate them, defer their download, mark them as async, and so on
analyze and characterize your critical path: number of resources, bytes, length

67- True or False: A/B testing allows you to test two or more elements on the site t understand their effects on each other


68- Which components often account for most of the downloaded bytes on a web page?


Sunday, April 30, 2017

AdWords Video Advertising Certification Questions and Answers

TrueView in-display ads can run on:
The YouTube Network
-  YouTube and the Display Network
-  The Display Network
-  The Search Network and the Display Network

TrueView Video Discovery ads run on:
-  The Search Network and the Display Network
-  The YouTube Network
-  The Display Network
-  YouTube video and search pages and the Display Network

TrueView Video Discovery ads can run on:
-  The Search Network and the Display Network
-  YouTube and the Display Network
-  The Display Network
-  Youtube

Which is a tip for optimizing a TrueView video for viewer engagement?
-  Run both an in-stream and an in-display version of the ad
Add a call-to-action overlay
-  Increase each target group's bid by 100%
Add exclusions to the campaign

In which TrueView format(s) can an advertiser use a companion banner?
-  All of the listed answers are incorrect
-  In-stream and in-display
-  In-display

TrueView in-stream ads and in-display ads appear, respectively:
-  at the top and bottom of videos
before videos and as clickable thumbnails
-  to the left and right of videos
-  as clickable thumbails and before videos

True or False: With TrueView in-stream video ads, the advertiser pays when someone hovers their cursor over the ad for 5 seconds.
-  True

True or False: Advertisers can set bids per ad format.
-  False

TrueView in-display video ads run on:
YouTube video and search pages and the Display Network
-  The YouTube Network
-  The Display Network
-  The Search Network and the Display Network

A TrueView in-display video ad needs to be:
There isn't a time limit
-  about 2 minutes
-  less than 30 seconds
-  more than 30 seconds

TrueView video campaigns can include:
videos uploaded directly to YouTube
-  images
-  text
-  other video formats

The initial remarketing list size for video campaigns includes users from the past:
-  You can't include visitors from past days
-  15 days
-  540 days
30 days

If an advertiser adds affinity audiences and topics to the same targeting group, a TrueView ad will show:
on targeted topics and affinity audiences
-  only on targeted topics
-  only on targeted affinity audiences
only when targeted topics and affinity audiences match

_________ ads can be created and managed through AdWords.
-  Masthead
-  Reserve-bought
-  TV

A click on a companion banner:
-  can direct to a YouTube channel
All of the listed answers are correct
-  can direct to an external URL
-  counts as a view even if the person hasn't watched 30 seconds of the ad

True or False: To get full access to YouTube Analytics, you need to link your AdWords and YouTube accounts.
-  False

An advertiser can use a remarketing tag to target people who've:
-  set up multiple YouTube accounts
searched on YouTube for videos about products like hers
-  posted videos on YouTube that mention her products
subscribed to or unsubcribed from her YouTube channel

True or False: IP address exclusion is not available for TrueView campaigns.

If your client wants to pay only when someone views an ad, you should use:
-  Text ads
TrueView in-stream ads
-  Viewable cost-per-thousand-impressions (vCPM) bidding
-  YouTube homepage ads

Which of these formats can be booked cross-screen (mobile and desktop)?
-  Rich Media Layouts Mastheads
-  Video Media Layout Mastheads
-  Rich Media Custom Mastheads
Video Mastheads

To run a TrueView video ad, the video must be uploaded to:
-  YouTube, with the privacy settings changed to "Private"
YouTube, with the privacy settings changed to "Public" or "Unlisted"
-  an advertiser's website
-  any video hosting site

Which is a best practice for a successful TrueView in-stream ad?
Include a strong call-to-action so the viewer knows what to do
-  Add a frequency cap
All of the listed answer are correct
-  Use at least 3 types of targeting to find out which performs best

Video advertising on YouTube lets you:
-  pay a single monthly fee
use pay-per-report analytics and pay for click-throughs only
-  use pay-per-report analytics and pay a single monthly fee
use free video analytics

________ are optional, clickable thumbnail images that appear next to TrueView InStream ads on YouTube.
-  TrueView in-display ads
Companion banners
-  YouTube Mastheads
-  Companion Mastheads

With YouTube Analytics, you can track metrics on:
playback locations
-  cost per channel visitors
-  YouTube session lenght
-  TrueView ad skip rates

When is someone added to an advertiser's video remarketing list?
-  When she views the ad for the second time
-  When she clicks the ad
When she views the ad
-  When she purchases something from the advertiser's website

Which can't be added to a TrueView video?
-  A call-to-action overlay
A ticker tape
-  A companion banner
-  A mobile app promo

True or False: More than one YouTube account can be linked to an AdWords account.
-  False

Which can be done in YouTube Analytics?
-  Check the count of TrueView earned actions
-  Check the conversion volume
-  Create remarketing lists
Check engagement reports

What's the difference between cost-per-click (CPC) bidding and cost-per-view (CPV) bidding?
-  The advertiser pays for a click on her YouTube channel with CPC bidding, and pays for a conversion with CPV bidding
The advertiser pays for a click on an ad with CPC bidding, and pays when someone engages with the content - for example by clicking Install or watching the first 30 seconds of the ad - with CPV bidding
-  The advertiser pays for a click that brings someone to her website with CPC bidding, and pays when there's an impression with CPV bidding
-  The advertiser pays for an impression with CPC bidding, and pays when someone watches at least 5 seconds of the ad with CPV bidding

If someone clicks a TrueView in-display ad, where do they land?
-  The ad's destination URL
-  The advertiser's website
The video on the YouTube watch page or advertiser's channel
-  The advertiser's YouTube Masthead

True or False: YouTube remarketing lists can be used with standard text and display ads.
-  False

TrueView in-stream ads can appear on:
-  the Google Play Store
YouTube watch pages
-  YouTube Mastheads
-  Google search results and YouTube watch pages

Which of these remarketing lists can be used for a video campaign?
-  People who clicked the +1 button on the advertiser's Google+ page
-  All of the listed answers are correct
People who watched certain videos on the advertiser's YouTube channel
-  People who skipped the advertiser's TrueView in-stream ads

An advertiser can:
-  remarket video ads from the Search Network on the Display Network
optimize remarketing by raising bids on topics or channels that generate the greatest ad response
-  target viewers who are watching competitors ads on YouTube
-  combine an AdWords remarketing list with a Masthead ad unit

Where would a call-to-action (CTA) overlay show?
-  On videos on your channel
All of the listed answers are correct
-  On embedded videos
On TrueView Video discovery ads

Which can an advertiser include in a TrueView video ad to increase interactivity?
-  A scrolling banner
-  An animated GIF
A card
-  A blinking border

People are added to an advertiser's video remarketing list when they:
-  click a text ad in Google search results
-  watch, comment on, like, or share a competitor's YouTube video
-  sing in to YouTube
watch, comment on, like, or share a advertiser's YouTube video

A viewer can skip watching a TrueView in-stream ad after:
5 seconds
-  10 seconds
-  7 seconds
-  2 seconds

_______ is used for video campaigns
-  Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding
-  Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding
-  Cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) bidding
Cost-per-view (CPV) bidding

________ targeting lets advertisers place ads on specific websites, YouTube videos, and YouTube Partner channels with TrueView ads
-  Interest
-  Contextual
-  Topic

What is Masthead billing based on?
A flat daily fee
-  Impressions and clicks
-  Clicks
-  Impressions

The standard companion banner size for TrueView in-stream ads on YouTube is:
-  300x80
-  300x600
-  300x250

True or False: You can use contextual targeting with videos.
-  False

The most effective way to control the number of times someone sees an ad is by:
-  Lowering bidding levels
-  Monitoring audience retention metrics with YouTube Analytics
Setting a frequency cap
-  Setting a lower cost-per-view (CPV) bid at the target group level

What's the maximum lenght a TrueView video ad can be?
-  30 seconds
-  7 minutes
There isn't a time limit
-  1 minute, 30 seconds

What does linking an AdWords account to a YouTube account let an advertiser do?
-  Create call-to-action (CTA) overlays
-  Access more video reporting metrics
-  Create a remarketing list
All of the listed answers are correct

What are best practices for creating a TrueView in-stream ad?
-  Provide clean next steps so customers can take action
-  Deliver the most important message early in the video
All of the listed answers are correct
-  Add a call-to-action (CTA) overlay

You can see average video-view duration metrics in:
-  reports in AdWords
-  the "Campaigns" tab in AdWords
the "Audience retention" tab in YouTube Analytics
-  Google Analytics

Which should you consider when evaluating the performance of an advertiser's TrueView campaign for brand awareness?
-  Clickthrough rate (CTR) and cost-per-click (CPC)
-  View rate and cost-per-click (CPC)
View rate, cost-per-view (CPV) and follow-on views
-  The targeting options that were used

With a Masthead ad, an advertiser can reserve:
The YouTube homepage
-  Specific videos
-  YouTube search pages
-  Specific channels

What's the view rate of an AdWords campaign that shows 10,000 impressions, 900 views and 300 clicks?
-  0.02
-  0.2
-  0.11

Call-to-action (CTA) overlays are compatible with:
-  TrueView in-display ads that are at least 30 seconds long
-  TrueView in-display ads only
-  TrueView in-stream ads only
any TrueView ad format

Video ads can appear on:
All of the listed answers are correct
-  Specific YouTube videos
-  Specific YouTube channels
-  Websites on the Display Network

True or False: Advertisers have to implement a code to use the remarketing feature on a video campaign.
-  True

True or False: TrueView in-stream ads and TrueView in-display ads can be in the same video campaign.
-  False

If your client wants a specific reach for a specific price on YouTube, you should use:
-  placement targeting
-  TrueView videos ads
-  affinity audiences
reservation buying

What percentages of video views on YouTube come from mobile devices?
-  More than 75%
More than 50%
-  Almost 15%
-  Almost 25%

True or False: Video ads may appear in videos marked "Private" on YouTube.
-  True

A TrueView in-stream ad view is counted when a viewer:
-  lands on the YouTube page where the ad is running
-  watches or skips the ad
-  watches the ad for a second time
engages with the ad, for example, by clicking a call to action

Which targeting methods can be used with TrueView ads?
-  Remarketing
-  Topics
-  Affinity and in-market audiences
All of the listed answers are correct

What's needed for an advertiser to set up a video ad campaign?
-  A budget for creating professional video ads
-  A conversion rate of at least 5% on the Search Network
-  A base AdWords budget in addition to pay-per-click costs
A YouTube video

Video remarketing is a way to optimize:
cost-per-view (CPV) bidding strategies
video campaigns
-  bidding strategies
-  conversions

How can an advertiser calculate the view rate of a video campaign?
-  By dividing the number of clicks by the number of views
-  By looking at the percentage of viewers who watched the video until the last quartile
By dividing the number of views by the number of impressions
-  By dividing the number of impressions by the number of clicks

On average, how long does it take for a video ad to get approved?
1 business day
-  10 business days
-  2 hours
-  Video ads instantly eligible to show on Yout and the Display Network

TrueView campaigns can help advertisers optimize for:
-  impressions
-  clicks
views and engagements
-  conversions

What's an example of a managed placement for a TrueView in-stream ad?
All of the listed answers are correct
-  A website on the Display Network
-  A specific YouTube video
-  A YouTube channel

Which ad rotation option can't used for video campaigns?
-  Optimize for conversions
-  Rotate evenly
Optimize for clicks
-  Optimize for views

An advertiser is charged for viewing a TrueView in-display ad when someone:
-  share the ad
-  watches a TrueView in-stream ad after watching a TrueView in-display ad
clicks and views the first frame of the ad
-  watches the entire ad

Frequency capping counts include:
only impressions that were viewable
-  only impressions that led to clicks
-  all impressions, including those that weren't viewable
all impressions appearing in an ad position of "1"

What do earned actions measure?
Earned views, earned comments and earned likes
-  Earned visits to the website and earned comments
-  Earned visits to the website, earned views and earned comments
-  Earned conversions

Which devices can an advertiser target with a mobile video Masthead?
-  Android only
-  Mobile only
-  Tablet only
Both mobile and tablet

What does average view frequency measure?
The average number of times people have viewed the ad
-  All of the listed answers are incorrect
-  The average view rate for the ad
-  The average number of channel views

TrueView in-display ads run on:
-  YouTube watch pages and Masthead ads and Google search results
-  Google TV, Google search results and the Display Network
YouTube homepage, channel, watch pages and search results and the Display Network
-  YouTube videos and search results and the Display Network

Which of these can be created to run on the Display Network?
-  VideoPlus ads
-  Homepage expandable Masthead ads
Lightbox ads and TrueView Video Discovery ads
-  TrueView ads and VideoPlus ads

Video ads can run on:
-  The Display Network and video partner sites and apps
YouTube and the Display Network
-  YouTube only
YouTube and video partner sites and apps

What are the targeting options for Mastheads?
-  Affinity and remarketing
-  Topics and remarketing
Visitors to the YouTube homepage in a targeted country
-  Affinity, remarketing and topics

A client who wants to advertise before, during or after popular videos on the Display Network should:
-  add the keyword "video" to relevant campaigns
-  bundle display ads for each target audience
-  add a call-to-action (CTA) overlay to video ads
create a video ad campaign

Linking a YouTube channel to a Google+ page lets you:
manage multiple channels from one Google account
manage multiple channels from on Google account and let multiple people manage a channel
-  manage one channel from one Google account and let multiple people manage a channel
-  manage one channel from one Google account

How can an advertiser set up AdWords conversion tracking for a TrueView in-stream ad campaign?
By creating an AdWords conversion tracking code
-  By using Google Analytics
-  By using YouTube Analytics
-  You can't measure conversions with the in-stream format

Why is average view frequency important to measure?
-  It tells you how many people are viewing the ad
It shows you how engaged people are with the ad
It shows how often the average person sees or interacts with the ad
-  It lets you continually track conversions

The best way to reserve an ad is to:
Contact a Google sales representative
-  Create a reservation campaign in AdWords
-  Create a standard video campaign
-  Enter specifications on the "Reservation tab"